
Parent Testimonials

“This school is like no other I have ever experienced.
I truly believe that in general, today’s schooling is not catering to the new generations coming up and out of this fast changing world.
Bright young minds are looking for a new way of learning. They want to be treated as individuals, they want to be stretched by caring, skilled teachers, they want to be allowed to challenge and be held accountable to the responsibilities that come with that. They want to be SEEN. They want to know that their educators “get” them, understand where they are at.

Hill College has done that for all 3 of my very different sons and now my stepson matriculating this year.

Each one of them has absolutely loved their time here and they have excelled. They have risen up in the affirming and personal care they have received here. Each one will tell you that they have felt loved, coached, understood and challenged to give their very best. Teenage years are hard enough without having to battle school.
I am so grateful for each and every day since 2006 that at least one of my boys has been in attendance and I salute the staff here.
I myself feel cared for and respected and uplifted whenever I’m at school chatting with any of the staff.
Rodney Pettitt is a headmaster in a million ….. he has truly found the balance between accountability and inspiration. He has his finger on the pulse all the time and THAT is the magic ingredient…. his staff have their ears to the ground and they will light the path for any student who chooses to succeed. There is no question at Hill …. if you want it you can get it. The staff will help them get there but they learn that THIS is THEIR destiny …. rise up …. you can fly here.”

Genevieve Black (Past Parent)

“Hill College is without a doubt a well – managed private school with top notch Teachers who care about their students. My daughter felt safe in her school space and blossomed under the tutelage of her respective Educators. She felt that she belonged to a school who instilled positive values and allowed independence of thought, expression and individuality. As a parent I would highly recommend Hill College in terms of their high academic standards, smaller classes and approachable, efficient Teachers.”
Jackie Cory (Past Parent)

What the class of 2016 had to say…

“My Hill College experience is one of those that will stick with me for life. Attending Hill was the best decision I could have made, not only because of the academics but because it has turned me into a better person. The Hill College has taught me valuable life lessons which I’ll be eternity grateful for.”

“The Hill College experience was the best of my life. I enjoyed every moment. The Hill College is the best school ever.”

“My experience at the Hill College was one of great pleasure. On my first day at The Hill College, my smile that had long been lost returned. Even when everything in your life feels perfect, something as simple or being at the wrong high school can destroy your inner peace. The Hill College is a beautiful place of respect, understanding and acceptance.”

“A great high school experience. They saved my marks.”

“The Hill College was one of a second family. The teachers were amazing mentors and the classmates like brothers and sisters.”

“The Hill College felt more than home it was my first school were I never felt like it as to much or boring. The Hill College is a fantastic school. No other school I think could top the Hill College. The relationships with the teachers and pupils will never be forgotten especially the days such as Sport Days.”

“My experience was nothing but good. From the teachers to the students it is incredible. I was treated like a young adult and able to learn and achieve so much with the support and guidance of my teachers.”

“It has been the best two years of my schooling career. The teachers are all so kind and willing to help. The teachers went the extra mile. I would recommend the school to everyone.”

“Completely awesome!”